Saturday, June 26, 2010

My Mission

I was toying with the idea of sewing my very own patchwork quilt. I've always liked them and seeing as I'm doing very little else it seems like a good idea to start one. Why the hell are you telling me, you may ask? Well, making it public knowledge that I'm planning on doing this will help keep me motivated, similar to the way a dangerously obese person might publicly declare that they will no longer be eating chips.

I have no equipment so I'm going to gradually buy any materials I might need. Why not buy everything at once I hear you cry? Because I'm poor.

So off I pop!

Update:  The patchwork quilt has been put on hold indefinitely because my sewing machine is broken :(
I'm hoping that Santa will be good enough to get me a new one.

Hello Darragh if you're reading...totally unrelated...

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